
Bin Packing Problem

Bin Packing Problem is a combinatorial optimization problem that involves packing objects of varying sizes into a finite number of bins with a fixed capacity while minimizing the number of bins used.



  • A set of n items, each with a weight wi.
  • A set of bins, each with a fixed capacity C.

The objective is to pack all items into the smallest number of bins such that:

  • The total weight of items in any bin does not exceed its capacity.
  • Each item is placed in exactly one bin.


There are multiple variations of the bin packing problem:

  • Online vs. Offline Bin Packing
    • In the offline version, all items are known in advance.
    • In the online version, items arrive sequentially and must be placed immediately.
  • One-Dimensional vs. Multi-Dimensional
    • In 1D bin packing, items have only one attribute (e.g., weight).
    • In 2D or 3D bin packing, items also have height, width, or volume constraints.
  • Bin Packing with Conflicts
    • Some items cannot be placed in the same bin due to constraints.


Suppose we have 5 items with weights: [4, 8, 1, 4, 7] and bin capacity 10. The optimal packing might be:

Bin Items
Bin 1 [8, 1]
Bin 2 [7]
Bin 3 [4, 4]

Total bins used: 3

Heuristic Algorithms

Since the bin packing problem is NP-hard, exact solutions are computationally expensive for large inputs. Common heuristic approaches include:

  • First-Fit (FF)
    • Place each item in the first available bin that has enough space.
  • Best-Fit (BF)
    • Place each item in the bin that will have the least remaining space after insertion.
  • Worst-Fit (WF)
    • Place each item in the bin with the most remaining space.
  • Next-Fit (NF)
    • Similar to First-Fit but keeps using the current bin until it is full.


A simple First-Fit algorithm in Python:

def first_fit(weights, bin_capacity):
    bins = []
    for w in weights:
        placed = False
        for b in bins:
            if sum(b) + w <= bin_capacity:
                placed = True
        if not placed:
    return bins

items = [4, 8, 1, 4, 7]
capacity = 10
bins = first_fit(items, capacity)
print("Bins used:", bins)


  • Cloud Computing
    • Allocating virtual machines to servers efficiently.
  • Logistics
    • Packing cargo in containers with minimal waste.
  • Memory Management
    • Allocating memory blocks in operating systems.

See Also

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